Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Weekend results now in. Mixed bag for the boys but smiles all round for the girls.

Boys Teams Results

U17s drew with Cumbria 1-1 and had a walkover against South Lancs (Merseyside)
U15s lost both games 4-0 to Cumbria and 6-0 to Cheshire.
U13s won two and lost one

Girls results
U17s Won two against Cheshire 5 - 1 and Cumbria 3 - 1
U16s Won two against Cheshire 2 - 0 and Cumbria 3 - 2

U15s Won two 
U14s Won two

U13s 0-0 against Cumbria, 2-0 against South Lancs, 1-0 against Cheshire East.

Next date is the 25th April.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

All done , now onto the competition phase.

The JAC coaching sessions were completed today with the U14/15/16/17 teams announced after the final session on attacking play.

Thanks to all the coaches and to the assessors for their work and commitment.

We have 3 Boys' teams and 5 Girls' playing next week and on the 25th April.
See other blog items for details.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Venues for the 28th and 25th April Competition phase.

Girls and Boys U13s are playing at Stanley Park, Blackpool
Girls U14/U15 are playing at Altrincham Girls  the sixth form block and pitches - Postcode WA14 2SR
Boys U15 are playing at Bowdon HC South Downs Road Bowdon Altrincham Cheshire WA14 3DT

Sunday, 7 March 2010

21st March Girl's JAC

Please note start times on the 21st March.

U16/U17 starts at 12.00 noon and runs until 3.00pm.
U14/U15 starts 1.30pm finishes at 4.30pm

Selection will be announced on the day as we have the competition phase on the 28th March.

U13 selection is complete and the players will receive letters in the post after the 15th March. We had hoped to get them out earlier but work commitments have prevented this.