Wednesday, 1 December 2010

JDC programme completed

Thank you to all the players and coaches for their work and support over the eight weeks the programme ran. Letters inviting players to the next element of the programme (JAC) in the new year will be out by the 7th Dec.

Thank you to King Edward and Queen Mary School for their high quality facilities and generous support.

Boy's JAC - Information on this programme will be available soon

The Lancs Boy's JAC we are hoping will run in a similar way to last year but this has still to be confirmed. As soon as information is available we will post on the blog and letters will go to players. If in the interim you know of a boy who is between 13 and 17 then please contact J Metcalf on 01772 718294.

Lancs Girl's JAC Dates 2011


Girls who are selected to for the Lancashire JAC programme after Christmas will be expected to attend all the coaching sessions and be available for the Competition dates.
Please avoid clashes with these dates so girls & their parents do not have to choose between playing for Club or attending the JAC coaching.

Lancashire JAC dates & times after Christmas

U16 / U17 - dates: 30/1/2011, 6/2/2011,13/2/2011, 6/3/2011 & 13/3/2011.
Times for this age group 10-30 -- 12-30

U14 / U15 - dates: 30/1/2011, 6/2/2011,13/2/2011, 27/2/2011, 13/3/2011.
Times for this age group 1-00 -- 3-00

U13 dates 5/2/2011, 20/2/2011, 20/3/2011

ADDITIONALLY   6/3/2011 & 27/3/2011 = competition dates for U13 & U14 @ Stanley Park Blackpool.

20/3/2011 & 8/5/2011 = competition dates for U15, U16 & U17
Venues for this age group not known yet.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Futures Cup - Players selected from the Lancs JAC programme in 2010.

Pennine Puma's U16 Boys

Alex Evans   Lytham St Annes HC
Louis Weir    Lytham St Annes HC

Pennine Puma's U16 Girls

Jessica O'Massoli  Lytham St Annes HC
Charlotte Evans    Lytham St Annes HC
Sophie Akhtar      Springfields HC
Sophia Crawshay Lytham St Annes HC

Hipac U15s Girls

Amelia Beaman Blackpool HC
Jayde Christiansen Lancaster HC
Beth Kenny Springfields HC

Hipac U17s Girls

Kirsty Abram Lancaster HC
Emily Deason Lancaster HC
Steph Teece Preston HC

Hipac U17s Boys

Alex Belshire Morecambe HC
Matthew Smith Preston HC

Congratulations to all these players.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

JDC and JAC dates 2010/2011 Girl's Programme only

This year we will be using  8 dates for half a day  rather than 4 dates over a full day for the Lancs Girl's JDC programme.

The plan would be as follows:-
U14 & U15 age groups on Sunday mornings from 10-00 till 1-00 on the  26/9/2010, 10/10/2010, 7/11/2010 and 21/11/2010
U16 & U17 age groups on Sunday mornings from 10-00 till 1-00 on the 17/10/2010, 31/10/2010, 14/11/2010 and 28/11/2010

We would look to avoid dates during December and January apart from the last Sunday in January.

Venue will be King Edward and Queen Mary School in Lytham St Annes.
 See previous posting for groups to be invited for the JDC programme.

The  Boys JDC/JAC programme is being organised by Chris Hassell

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Girl's JDC and JAC Programme 2010

The JDC programme will involve the following players -

a) Players who attended JDC last year and were not selected for the JAC programme.
b) Players who attended JAC in January, February and March except for those selected to attend JRPC
c) New players identified by schools and clubs.

The JAC programme will have players who were selected for JRPC in 2010 plus players selected from the JDC programme that will run from September to November.

We started the JDC in late September and will run through to the middle of November.
The  JAC programme will begin on 30th January and continue through February and March

Information will go out to players in early September.

Friday, 4 June 2010

JRPC dates

If you have been selected for JRPC you should get a letter soon from Louise Broom the person dealing with all enquiries.

Dates can be found on the front page of the EH website. See the Centralised calendar 2010-2011.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

1/2/3rd for the U15/U16 and U17 Girls' Teams

Well done to the U15s who won the North JAC Championship, with the U16s third and the U17s second. Thanks to the players, parents and coaches. The JAC is now over and we have seen players learning and applying new skills.

Good luck to those who go onto the next level playing for the JRPC in  Manchester. Hopefully when they are selected someone will tells us who they are.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

JAC arrangements for Sunday 2nd May

On the 2nd May the Lancashire teams will travel to the following venues if they are successful by achieving one of the top two places in their group in the North West.

Well done to the three girl's teams that won through to the North Finals. Arrangements below.

Girls U15 Arrive   Arrive 10.00am - First Game 10.50am - Durham University Maiden Castle
Return time approx 6.15pm

Girls U16 Arrive 9.00am First Game 10.00am- Altrincham
Girls U17 Arrive 10.00am First Game 11.00am - Altrincham

We will know early this coming week if the boy's got through.

Boys U15 Arrive 10.00am First Game 10.50am- Becketts Park, Leeds

A huge thank you to all the players and coaches and parents who have now finished.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

SUNDAY 25th April 2010 - Girl's Teams

Times to meet on the 25th April are as follows.

U17s - 9.00am at Witton Park.
U16s - 10.00am at Witton Park.
Coaches Adrian and Anthony Metcalf
Manager Susanne Fackey

U15s - 10.00am - Altrincham
U14s - 11.00am - Altrincham

Coaches Damian Houseman, Tom Algar and Amy Leck

U13s - 9.50am - Blackpool Stanley Park
Coaches Jan Metcalf and Lynn Hoyle
Ann Edwards

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Weekend results now in. Mixed bag for the boys but smiles all round for the girls.

Boys Teams Results

U17s drew with Cumbria 1-1 and had a walkover against South Lancs (Merseyside)
U15s lost both games 4-0 to Cumbria and 6-0 to Cheshire.
U13s won two and lost one

Girls results
U17s Won two against Cheshire 5 - 1 and Cumbria 3 - 1
U16s Won two against Cheshire 2 - 0 and Cumbria 3 - 2

U15s Won two 
U14s Won two

U13s 0-0 against Cumbria, 2-0 against South Lancs, 1-0 against Cheshire East.

Next date is the 25th April.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

All done , now onto the competition phase.

The JAC coaching sessions were completed today with the U14/15/16/17 teams announced after the final session on attacking play.

Thanks to all the coaches and to the assessors for their work and commitment.

We have 3 Boys' teams and 5 Girls' playing next week and on the 25th April.
See other blog items for details.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Venues for the 28th and 25th April Competition phase.

Girls and Boys U13s are playing at Stanley Park, Blackpool
Girls U14/U15 are playing at Altrincham Girls  the sixth form block and pitches - Postcode WA14 2SR
Boys U15 are playing at Bowdon HC South Downs Road Bowdon Altrincham Cheshire WA14 3DT

Sunday, 7 March 2010

21st March Girl's JAC

Please note start times on the 21st March.

U16/U17 starts at 12.00 noon and runs until 3.00pm.
U14/U15 starts 1.30pm finishes at 4.30pm

Selection will be announced on the day as we have the competition phase on the 28th March.

U13 selection is complete and the players will receive letters in the post after the 15th March. We had hoped to get them out earlier but work commitments have prevented this.

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Good day as JAC takes place in Blackpool

The first day of the Girl's JAC took place today in Blackpool.
Much was achieved with the emphasis on developing skill and inderstanding and less on selecting a team.
Each player is assessed against their ability to use the skill in practice and in the game.
We will select teams for the performance phase which starts on the 28th March on the 21st March.

On the 7th March we revert to the normal pattern with U13s and U16/U17 at 10.00am with the U14/U15 at 1.30pm.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Sunday 28th February Girl's JAC Stanley Park Blackpool

We are running the cancelled Girl's JAC from last week on Sunday 28th February at the following times.

U16/U17 start time 10.00am - 1.00pm
U13 Start time 1.30pm - 4.30pm
U14/U15 Start Time 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Email to this effect was sent Tuesday evening.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Snow again causes cancellation

The U13/14/15/16/17 Grls' sessions are all cancelled at Stanley Park Blackpool due to snow which fell overnight and is expected to continue until noon.

We will see if we can run this session next week and information will be published on the blog plus  email.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Sunday 21st February - Start of Girl's Programme - Stanley Park.

On Sunday we expect to see at 9.45am the U13 group from before Christmas who have two sessions left the 21st Feb and the 7th March. During the week after the 7th March we will announce the squad to play on the 28th March and the 25th April through this blog.

On Sunday the U16/U17 group will meet at 9.45am followed by the U14/U15 group at 1.30pm. Each session is 3 hours long. The sessions for these groups are the 21st Feb, the 7th and 21st March. Please note the selection will take place on the 21st March for all these squads and the competition takes place on the 28th March and the 25th April. Again information on selection will be announced on this blog by Tuesday evening the 23rd March. 

If any of the five squads wins through to the final playoffs against the NE these will take place on the 2nd May.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Third Boy's Session completed.

On Sunday the third Boy's session took place at Preston H.C. for the Lancashire Junior Academy Centre.
We have entered three teams in the competition phase that starts on the 28th March. The teams will be U17, U15 and U13. This will enable all ages to be represented with selection from two age groups in each team.
The last session on the 14th March will include selection into the squads to play in the regional competitions.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


The final two sessions of coaching for the Lancashire JAC programme are the 14th February and the 14th March.
Please note the two dates that boys need to be available for competition if selected are Sunday 28th March and Sunday 25th April.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Boy's JAC takes place at Preston

Day 2 of the Boy's JAC took place in good weather on Sunday at Preston Hockey Club. The session focussed on defending skills and tackling. The goalkeepers had their normal hard session with Mike Power the new GK coach, a goalie at Urmston.
Day 3 is next week the 14th Feb.
It is very important to emphasise that the point of these sessions is to learn the skills required by England Hockey with far less importance placed on the competition. Players who do not attend due to club and school fixtures will stand less chance going forward as the coaches will not be able to assess them for  the JRPC.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Girls JAC Dates

These are now the JAC dates for the Girl's programme as long as the weather does not prevent it.
21st February, 7th March and the 21st March.

This is a development programme with assessment built into it. This is not trials. We aim to give all the players new skills and develop their hockey.

There will be one team picked for each age group at the end with the first competition date the 28th March.

Sunday 31st January Girls Hockey JAC

Due to the snow in Blackpool overnight, Stanley Park Sports Centre have closed the pitches for hockey.
Next date is 21st February 2010

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

7th February - Change of start time for the U13/14/15 Boys Group

On the 7th February the second session for the Lancs Boys JAC the U13/14/15 age group start time is being put back to 2.00pm finish 5.00pm.

This is due to a North Premier game which will be played from 1.00pm - 2.30pm. The warm up, registration etc will start at 2.00pm in the clubhouse so that we are ready to work on skills at 2.30pm on the pitch.

Players will receive an email to this effect this weekend.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Boy's JAC begins at Preston

The first session of the Boy's JAC took place at Preston HC on Sunday 24th January. Thanks to everyone who came and to those who coached and supported the day.
The next session is on the 7th February.

On the same day in the morning at Stanley Park Blackpool is the first of two days for the new Boy's U13 league. This starts at 10.00am and finishes at 12.00 noon. This leaves time for the journey to Preston for the afternoon U13 session starting at 2.00pm.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Girl's JAC - Latest information

The first session of 2010 on the 10th January has been cancelled due to 6 inches of snow on the pitches at Stanley Park. The council informed us today that there is no way the surface will be clear due to the fact that a thaw is not expected in the near future.

This means that we have decided to use the following three dates for the U14/15/16/17 age groups:
31st January, 21st February and the 7th March. The squads selected on the 7th March will be invited to a training session on the 21st March.

The U13 age group will meet on the first two dates namely the 31st January and the 21st February after which the squad will be selected and will meet on the 7th March.

Obviously this all depends on the weather.

Players will be emailed this information as well.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Lancashire JAC Dates 2010

Girls JAC Dates
10th January, 31st January and 21st February 2010 All at Stanley Park,
Reserve date is the 7th March with 21st March as an additional date for squad training.
U13s U16 and U17s Morning session
U14 and U15s Afternoon session

Boys JAC Dates
24th January Venue Preston HC South Meadow Lane Preston
7th February Venue Preston HC
14th February Venue Preston HC Selection for the squads
14th March  Venue Preston HC Final practise before competition phase.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Cancellation Procedure

If the Centre has to be cancelled for any reason, details will be on the blog as soon as we know the situation.
The decision will be made either by Saturday night or by 8.30am Sunday morning. Depending on the start time on Sunday this may effect  age groups differently. It may as an example mean we run groups more flexibly during the day if and when the pitches become available.